What is PAYPAL *FIVERR COM 4029357733 IL
When you sign up for a Fiverr account, you're automatically charged a $2 subscription fee. This charge is recurring, and it's deducted from your account balance each month. In addition to the subscription fee, you're also charged a 5% processing fee on all transactions. So, if you sell a gig for $5, you'll actually receive $4.75 after the processing fee is deducted. Lastly, if you withdraw money from your Fiverr account, there's a $1 withdrawal fee. Once again, this charge is recurring, and it's deducted from your account balance each time you make a withdrawal. All told, the fees associated with using Fiverr can add up over time. However, many users feel that the platform is worth the cost, as it provides an easy way to earn money online.
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