• Charge Identified
    Charge Found on November 21, 2022

What is SRVT.COM

The srvtcom charge is a line item that appears on cell phone bills and is used to fund the Federally-mandated cell phone relay service (sometimes known as Telecommunications Relay Services or TRS). This service allows individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities to communicate over the phone through the assistance of a relay operator. The relay operator acts as a middle man, conveying information between parties using various methods such as written notes, text-to-speech software, and sign language interpretation. The srvtcom charge helps to ensure that TRS remains accessible and available for all individuals in need of this important communication tool. While the specific amount varies by state, it is typically a small fee - often only a few cents per month - added onto each cell phone bill. So the next time you see the srvtcom charge on your bill, remember that it plays an important role in supporting equal access to communication for all individuals.

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